Medical record release forms are available to request medical records from Women’s Health Consultants or to release medical records from another physician to Women’s Health Consultants. Please complete the correct lines for obtaining and releasing records as indicated, forward the form onto the appropriate location.
** In compliance with State law there is a fee for releasing medical records from our office, $22.82 for chart research, and .53 per page copied. If you request notarization you must be present and there is an additional $2.00 fee. There is a downloadable invoice form which must be completed and attached to the medical records release request.
Please Note: Womens Health Consultants old chart requests should be directed to JCMG Medical Records department at 573-556-7787, the new custodian of all former WHC OB/GYN charts. They can process your request. See contact information below.
1241 W. Stadium Blvd,
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Ph 573-556-7787
FAX 573-761-3262